Tuesday, December 28, 2010

True friend?

dr dulu lagi seorang hamba Allah ini sering bertanyakan perihal seorang kwn
jika dahulu diri ini akan mengatakan
"friends are everyone, but choose ur companions wisely"

tp sekian lama waktu berlalu
mematangkan lg akal yg mentah ini
melalui detik2 persahabatan dan pengkhianatan
detik pentingkan diri dan pengorbanan diri

dan akhirnya ini yg terhasil~

"Friends is not about those who is always there to help or always there by ur side but they are those who always understand u with trust"

me n u~

seldom felt lonely
no matter how hard i try to deny it
but it is true

this holiday
having them here made me happy
even made new friends

even though there's lots more i wanted to meet
but having to meet a few of them is already enough
n sry i cant accommodate many cz there's no place
n im only 1, with the help of wan harun

i hope u had the best
n am sorry klu ada pape kekurangan ye :)
n thnx taw sbb sudi berada disini
u know i'll miss u guys

sometimes i wonder which one of those r true friends
n yesterday was a real thing
i've cried for people
but yesterday they said someone cried cz leaving us
that is friendship n i shall keep that
thnx again ^_^

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saya seorang penjual ikan~

the previous post has something to do with this
i noticed than i am a selfish person
thnx kwn2 ^_^

There is Time~

there are times when u have a certain feeling that u want to avoid it
n certainly i am avoiding my feeling right now
but it is too strong...perlu lebih bnyk bersaba

bc lah surah Ali-Imran ayat las skali :)
"O you who believe! Endure and be more patient, and Rabitu, and have Taqwa of Allah, so that you may be successful"

Friday, December 17, 2010

Know this my friend~

there exists~
Two fleets of words that are thicker than blood

"there is no GOD but Allah"
"Muhammad is His Messenger"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mari Berkongsi~

#Part 1
Tatkala mentari hendak pergi menyorok,
digantikan dgn kegelapan yg menyelimuti
terdapat insan2 yg jatuh, rebah kebumi kerana harapan
bukan kerana berjaya, tp gagal
dan mereka tidak pula pandang ke langit dan ingin bangkit
tetapi mereka duduk kaku seolah2 tiada lagi daya upaya
seolah2 takdir tidak akan membenarkannya~

ketika para manusia zaman lampau ingin jatuh kelurah kesesatan
ketika harapan kebebasan hilang ditelan pemerintahan yg memaksa
ketika kewangan menjadi penentu status dan hamba adlh seperti manusia tidak bernyawa
diturunkan seorang pembantu, pembangkit, pemimpin
bg menarik semula setiap roh yg tersembam
agar bangkit kepala kepada sirat-l-mustaqim~

seorang nabi, seorang rasul
penyinar sesuatu umat
agar mereka senantiasa sedar akan wujudnya harapan
iaitu harapan terhadap satu2 nya Rab
yg memiliki langit, bumi dan segala diantaranya

dan itulah hebatnya manusia akhir zaman
yg dikatakan Allah sebagai sebaek2 umat
kerana salah satu yg disemai dijiwa setiap ummat Muhammad adalah
"Ammar Makruf, Nahi Mungkar"
mungkin setiap antara kita tidak lah sehebat seorang Rasul
baik perbuatan, percakapan mahupun niat
tp hasil campur sedikit adalah banyak sekali

sebutir salji yg turun mungkin cair sebaek sahaja ia menyentuh bumi London
tp ia merupakan bantuan untuk butiran2 salji seterusnya untuk kekal
kerana ia telah berjaya menyejukkan sedikit Kota London untuk menerima salji2 yg bakal mendatang
itulah dakwah setiap antara kita ke atas setiap jiwa yg sedar
dan apabila cukupnye salji yg turun maka putih suci la seluruh nya
kemudian apabila mereka lalai dan lupa akan tanggungjawab itu
maka salji mula cair dan menjadi lecak2 yg kotor

oleh itu umat akhir zaman...jalankan tanggungjwb mu
bukan untuk saya atau diri sendiri
tp laksanakan demi Allah
makmurkan muka bumi ini
jd lah khalifah yg unggul

kadang kala kita persoalkn ilmu kita yg sedikit
ini bukan lah nasihat atau kata2 smgt
tp peringatan
ingatlah bahawa sampaikan hanya yg dipastikan benar
dan bukan lah yg hanya mengikut 'aqli semata2
kerna kelak kamu akn dapati bahawa masih bnyk perkara yg boleh disalah tafsirkan jika kamu hanya menggunakan akal tanpa ada org yg berilmu yg membimbing
dan dengan menyampaikan, insyaAllah yg lbih benar itu akn lebih jelas di hadapan~

# Part 2
Cuti selalu muncul dlm kehidupan
lagi2 bg seorang wanita
dan kewangan juga sering menjadi persoalan
tanyalah diri, tentunya akan ada kewangan yg masuk
tidak kira la biasiswa, dr insan tersayang mahupun drpada bos
yg penting ia merupakan kepingan2 yg mempunyai nilai jual beli keatasnya

dan pada penghujung hari
kita melihat kearah mana nilai tersebut digunakan
keluar menjelajah Al-Ardh dlm dunia yg memenuhi kegembiraan hati tanpa memperoleh apa2 selaen drpd kepuasan hati
menggunakan kewangan tersebut untuk bermusafir mencari ilmu dr seluruh pelusuk alam
mengkaji tempat anda berada
simpan ke anak cucu yg dimana hari ini 1 000 000 mungkin bnyk
tp pd zmn cucu nnt mungkin itu sudah tidak begitu bernilai

tny lah pd seketul daging dlm diri masing2
kemanakah perginya rezeki yg Tuhan telah berikan
adakah untuk manfaat, atau untuk mudharat
muhasabahlah cara anda berbelanja harta di musim cuti ini~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


stepped in court maen cam hampeh, inferior kut bila nk shoot tu
they are all tall guys everywheren they're hands are way above u
tried doing my layups n it didn't work sbb xrasa confident, ada team8 yg suka downkn org, k la, die xdownkn org tp cam die xbg sgt team8 yg len score...
then tried fade away pun xrasa confident sbb tinggi sgt dorg

upon 2nd game, secara xsengaja block dis tall gurl nye
wut do u xpct, perempuan kut
bukan nk kata cam mmg mudah, tp lbih mudah la n she was like scared...i did nothing wrong okay~ ^_^
n i guess she felt like me just now
no3...i think i should rephrase that
i guess now i know how they feel...haih~

tp then came in 3rd game
energetic ckit sbb lwn tiga org tgi gilo yg leh dunk
so d first attempt to dunk by them was a clean block from me n a rebound i won
woot~ woot~
then block a pass n got a WOW from the audience
bkn sbb hebat tp sbb bola tu laju n crossing the court
n i hit it like im hitting someone shooting... :P
then layup pn dpt ditepis...
again...woot~ woot~
n another winning rebound
pastu2 offensive rebound pn blh menang n sempat put it in the basket lg~
now im on fire

4th game, tumpang team org...it was fun sbb akhirnye mrkh 1-0 je
haha...nth pe jd nth
tp tu je yg mmpu
then the last game ktorg klh~
sbb yg suka play sensorg tu buat silly mistake
die ingt markah tgh lead so die relax2
pastu tetibe kena curi dr blkg
n made d margin by 4 n time pun dh xde
klu die score je td sbnrnye dh seri n dh game dh...30 secs left je pun~
but all in all great job guys :)

i hate u~

cz i know imno one to u :)

an answer~

u know, i thought of not coming today but obviously i cant resist myself
it's basketball
n yeah, guess wut...tomorrow am gonna have problem walking
girls playing basketball? normal~
girls doing 3 point? impressive~
girls dunking? ... o.O
well they are not gurls fyi~
those are the first n second team
gile x gile? all were wearing skirts n tops
woot3~ sexy~
bnyk lak korg punya sexy...berbulu habes seksi mnde
dgn muka tuff tp gaya perempuan nye lg

well2 that is not my answer
just a story of wut happened today~
my answer to u is dat
17 years at the beginning of my life i believe that i can live without being with anyone
not that i never liked anyone
to b honest i liked the first girl at the age of 12
kecik kn
but appears that i dont get myself attached to anyone
cz been in skola lelaki all this while n i see no point of doing so
n due to that i had promised to a certain someone bout something
i'll tell this to u privately if u ask la~
but not far from that, 3 month later i guess
someone changed my thought
kinda got myself attached to her
but fortunately xsempat pn nk jd pape antara ktorg :P
so does dat answers?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tagged :P ~

first time been tagged
sblum ni tgk org kne tag je
i dont really prefer such post
but then, its just a thing we should share about each other
i have been tagged by fatin athirah
go n check out her blog at times
she really knows how to xpress herself n making her blog hers

25 things aite?
oryt...here goes

  1. i like to be lonely at times
  2. i love to eat, serius xtpu...
  3. love to draw but don't know wut to draw
  4. want us to be together, i mean all of us but can't seem to find the way out
  5. pemalu...oh, this is true
  6. org kata sy ni jiwang? aiyak!!! no3...i am just me :)
  7. i miss my friends, all of them
  8. going to b a nerd for a month
  9. knowledge is the master of one mind
  10. basketball till i cant ball nemore
  11. appreciate the value of friendship cz it is a treasure to me
  12. words hold value so choose it right
  13. everyone has the same ending so what for looking for more
  14. fun is in ur heart n flows direct to ur mind
  15. i am almost 2 feet long n nk dunk
  16. weight? ringan je...74 :)
  17. love to waste money tp in certain ways r
  18. im racist kut...but i guess its human nature to differ people of physics. but we can always b friend due to similarities n one of it is we are all human who can think on ourselves
  19. currently in london doing MEng in EE n nanotech
  20. wish to go to MIT
  21. hmm...nk lego mindstorm please :D
  22. owh2, oxford td bes. mkn pun kenyang. tp duet pn jalan r
  23. menunggu org melayu nk kawen sbb rindu nasi minyak...kuang3~
  24. hope to make d best out of time
  25. nvr forget ur jihad n ur purpose of life despite all of the above small things. Allah is our Creator n to Him we will return~
so now to the tagging part...hmm...
i would love to see these people's idea

maba...(sorry r lupa link ko)

n lastly the on that tagged me...since dh buat dh so x termasuk dlm 5 org tu la ye~ :)
fatin athirah

owh2 lupa lak nk ltk mnde pe yg korg kne tag tu an
here it is~

Friday, December 10, 2010

Who would have thought~

I slipped through the names of the sheet i was marking
and i saw the name was
a common name of my life just that the spelling is a bit different
its d letter F
n u know what
at first i thought it would be a girl
so i look around n keep asking myself who is dat muslim gurl that i haven't notice
n there were none~
n suddenly Mathews said
"hey, this is Noah's (sounded like dat) paper"
n it struck me, a beautiful name has an owner of the opposite attribute
it's suppose to be
(cahaya kecantikan/yg menawan/dll)
but he's not beautiful, not that he is ugly but he is brutal

Thursday, December 9, 2010

seorang rakan~

tatkala pg2 buta, hati xtentu sebab sronok melyn lagu rock kapak
"suci dlm debu"
"cinta kain putih"
"taman astakona"
"cinta pantai merdeka"

nak karaoke bersama rakan2 yg mmg hot dgn lagu ni
ye...kami mlm2 nyanyi lagu ni
kami goncangkn utan di jeram besu dgn lagu ni

dlm keadaan tidak tahu apa patut buat kerana perasaan itu kembali
bukan perasaan suka2 tu la, asal ckp perasaan je sure pk camtu kn~
ni perasaan benci, xsuka, bersalah
i need someone at a time like this
n pg2 ni tetiba kwn ku muncul
kwn yg ada mslh kpl ckit, sbb sengal
tp sesengal2 org pn die taw mmbri peringatan yg terbaek

betul lah kata org, kwn itu dpt mengubah diri anda
so choose ur friend wisely
minta maaf, nk letak hadith tp xingt dh hadith khatib masa mgu pertama kat UCL :)
so klu sape2 leh tlg, meh la sedekahkn hadith pada post ni~

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

dont let the girls enter the gentlemen's room~

when i was in Alam Shah, most of the toilets are gentlemen
so when a gurl/lady/women comes to visit, they had to borrow the privacy room n someone need to guard it so dat no guys would enter while she's in...
but nvr have i ever heard they complain bout it
perhaps cz we try to giv d bes toilet around (bes for men...u know)
or perhaps they were in our territory, how could they complain

yesterday was something new
not only they entered without someone guarding, they were even guys in that particular toilet
n u know wut? they even mock n complain about guys

A: guys r so grim
B: this is grim...and gross

B: I'm stuck...argh~
A what do u expect, this is the guys toilet

B: I should have known the hand drier is not functioning that well
A: Men dont really wash their hands, that's y

A: what's this? is it make up?
B: can't believe guys uses make up
**opens up the zip n closes it cz there were only tooth brush n tooth past with facial wash

wow!! gurls...we were in the toilet too did u not realize..
we heard evrything
I know sometimes whiteman use to say blondes are not that smart
but please don't make it true~
anyhow nice knowing u gurls n thnx for ur comments
and also thank you for rearranging things in the toilet
u have skills :)

*P/S: don't ever let girls in next time~

Monday, December 6, 2010


Hayatilah detik kebangkitan Islam di Zaman Jahiliyyah
saat ketika Rasulullah SAW berjuang demi Allah
matlamatnya hanya satu kerana Allah dan tugasan yg telah diberikan kepada Baginda
dan cintanya yg bertunjangkn Allah kepada seluruh Alam

Jika hari ini kita mampu mengeluh tentang betapa sukarnya kehidupan
kita mampu mengeluh tentang halangan yg menimpa ditgh perjalanan
kita mampu mengeluh tentang kegagalan di dalam sebuah ujian
tp sedarkah kita betapa teguh dan penyabarnya insan agong bernama Muhammad

Biar apa jua duniawi yg melanda, baginda tetap memikirkn perjuangannya
dan umat nya
sehingga ke khutbah terakhir ketika diumumnya lengkap nys sebuah agama
tp kasih dan sygnye untuk umat masih jua di kental
apatah lg kasih nya untuk pulang berjumpa dgn Tuhan nya

Apalah kita ini jika dibandingkan dengan mereka yg berjuang
malah, masih ada hati nk mengatakan belum bersedia, masih mencari, ade ilmu cuma xbnyk je?

jom2, kita bertaubat dan kembali ke siratulmustaqim~
Ya Allah, demi tahun baru ini dan pengorbanan Rasulullah dan para sahabat yg berhijrah, perkenankanlah doa2 umat muslimin dan perbaiki lah kami dr satu saat ke saat yg laen.

Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


bye semua :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

lelaki dan perempuan~

taw kn lelaki n perempuan ni makhluk yang berbeza
spesies sama tp pecahan lain...masing2 saling melengkapi
tp kn
sometimes i wonder
perempuan always cam bad mood kat lelaki due to something
contoh, slh ckp ke...terkasar ke...xlyn ke
pastu bila lelaki nk bad mood lak, xlh?
dikatanya xlelaki la, pondan la, pe la~
cam pelik kut, mungkin sbb kita makhluk laen kut
tp still kita punya hati n perasaan
bukan perempuan shj yg boleh ubah2 moodnye
tp mmg la perempuan tu usually n especially kat time2 tertentu sng sgt jd moody
ini tidak bermakna lelaki ini tiada perasaan
lelaki ni klu perempuan nk moody, kite cam xde perasaan n kita xkn moody sekali
lelaki xde hati ke sampai perempuan leh je berkasar dgn lelaki n berharap agar lelaki xterasa?
kdg2 sebagai seorang manusia, aku trtny2
ingt korg je ada perasaan?

taw x aku xsuka kalo org kata aku bz
sbb aku mcm mana pn akn cari masa tuk korg as long as korg ckp it is important
taw x aku xsuka kata org kata aku sombong
sbb aku dh try to be nice but in d same time avoid getting to close to makhluk bernama perempuan
taw x aku xsuka kalo org kata die emosi sbb kn aku
sbb kdg2 aku rasa aku ada life gk yg xberkaetan pn ngn korg, so pehal la ko nk emo sal aku ni? ckp je la pe ko xsuka
taw x aku xsuka kalo org kata aku ni kaki perempuan
sbb aku duk diam org kata aku sombong, aku xmnjlnkn tanggungjwb. tp bila aku limpahkn kasih syg aku kat org sebagai seorang kwn n xde org pn tegur aku time tu, mula la blkg2 kata aku kaki perempuan
taw x aku xsuka kalo org kata aku berlagak
sbb to me, aku hanya menyampaikn pe yg patut n aku dh tapis abes dh mnde2 yg sepatutnya. malah i make an effort tuk guna nama org laen instead of pencapaian diri sendiri n cari contoh2 yg general. (unless aku ngaku sendiri r)
taw x aku xsuka org kata aku emo
cam skrg ni sure org kata aku emo, ye mmg aku ada sdikit xpuas hati. SO? xlh ke aku nk sampaikn perasaan aku? atleast aku xde la nk marah2 korg sampai korg nanges~

nth la...in no offence to either guys or girls, ladies n gentlemen, or something in between. tp this is how i feel sometimes. not always, but sometimes. so ketahuilah lelaki juga ada hati dan perasaan sbb walaupun kita makhluk yg berbeza tp kita spesies yg sama., manusia :)
minta maaf semua, aku hanya mmpu senyum agar awak tidak marah atau emosi dgn lbih truk~
n tlg la jgn marah lg, sbb aku pn ada perasaan n jgn sampai meluak. got years in front of us~