selesai sudah sebuah kisah cinta seorang rakan
menanti saat tuk rakan2 lain pulak
saya? lama lg kut...ada hati, tp xdpt la nk disampaikn
bukan pengecut tp dh cekalkn untuk terus berusaha tanpa peneman lain jantina
buat seketika...bukan selamanya
nk kawen jugak nnt ^_^
minggu lps makan kfc dr ammar
minggu ni dari remi
family dorg bawakkan
minggu depan xtawla~
sy sebenarnya rindukn family
pg semalam dpt call dr parents
katanya xnk focus kat saya
sbb adek ada mslh
so they need not to come n visit me or concern much about me
n i just said "yeah, im fine"
but in fact im not
saya risokn adek sy
xtaw camne masa dpn dia nnt
saya risokn parents sy klu nk dtg cni
sy juga risokn IB sy
saya hanya insan biasa
juga rindu pada keluarga
tiap minggu tgk parents org dtg
bawak mknn n bagai
hajat dihati nk tgk parents sendri dtg
nk mkn2 ngn dorg
ptg td tgk parents remi dtg
die hepi sgt
beban die dh diturunkn n kehadiran family tlh membawa sinar kebahagiaan
saya teringtkn parents sy
bila dorg nk dtg
majlis restu...
ckg2 tny
"farzan...ayah xdtg?"
sy hanya mampu jwb
"eh, dtg. tp dh balik"
sedih juga sbb abah xstay lama
kdg2 sy nmpk cam bdk kck
itu lah sbbnya
sy seorg insan yg inginkan kasih sayang rakan
kerana kdg kala terasa rindu sgt dgn keluarga sendiri
kepada rakan2 yg telah mengisi kekosongan itu selama ini
mekaceh ^_^
1 comment:
was randomly blog hopping through the blogs of juniors and suddenly found yours :)
i understand how it feels when you see other people's parents come to visit and yours doesnt seem like they have the time to.
I was like that too last year during the IRP month, getting all worked up and stressed out when my parents never came and I couldnt go back ( ijust lived in jb btw, but banting is sooo leceh to reach by public transport, heading back home on your own just seemed like a waste of time).. but one thing i learnt is that, its not that they dont love you, they do, they just have other things they need to attend to at the moment.. :D
anggapla macam ni,
sebagai suatu persediaan nanti bila dah dekat luar negara, and its the exam season, and suddenly you feel like you need your family's morale support but they cant come and visit because its too expensive and too faraway..
you'll do just fine insyaAllah farzan, and i hope your parents can visit you someday. maybe not now, but soon. :)
all the best for the upcoming IB exam! :)
- iman.
ps: my parents lagi la tak datang majlis restu at all and imagine being surrounded by friends with their families at that time -.-"
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